Amperium CAMPUS
Tübingen / Dußlingen


Dußlingen is easily accessible by bus and train. From the train station, amperium® will offer a half-hourly shuttle by electric bus for guests and employees.

The universities for these disciplines are located in Tübingen, the technical university in Reutlingen. Housing in the Dußlingen area is affordable for employees, both to rent and to buy.

The campus has a rental area of 5,048 m². The underground parking garage offers 64 parking spaces with a width of approx. 3.00 m, 50% of which are equipped with charging boxes. The remaining spaces are pre-equipped for this purpose.


The amperium® Campus is supplied with district heating from a wood chip combustion plant and additionally with two air heat pumps and a photovoltaic system – on the roof – with 180 kWp. These measures lead to a significant reduction in operating costs.

The building will meet the standard of a KFW 40 building. It will achieve DGNB Silver certification and the QNG sustainable building quality seal.

Key Data

Location: Dußlingen, Untere Breite No. 3

Use: Underground parking, offices, laboratories, workshops, prototype construction, warehouse, training rooms, event rooms, restaurant, fitness, wellness, gaming.

Plot: 5,306 m²

Total area: 7,685 m²

Project development start: January 2023

Start of construction: July 2024

Occupation of the property planned: July 2026

Object Commissioned

– Ready-to-live and authorized representative of the client

General planner

Interior design
Furnishings and fittings


The Amperium Campus developed by AREAL PROJEKT has won the Real Estate & Architecture Award 2024 for innovative design and sustainable constructions.



Exterior views

Inner courtyard

Reception hall


Conference room

Living spaces

Wellness and fitness


Training rooms




